
Tool reviews 2015

Page history last edited by yi lan 9 years, 9 months ago




Comments (18)

Mohammed Hayat said

at 9:49 pm on May 14, 2015

My name is Mohammed Hayat and the tool I reviewed is called "MyBrainShark", I think I would use it as an online tool to teach speaking skills for university level students at Kuwait University


Alison said

at 9:15 am on May 17, 2015

Dear All,

Here is a link to my video which reviews powerpoint as a tool for online teaching and learning:


Alison Wood

J Samson said

at 11:47 am on May 17, 2015

I have reviewed skype as a tool for distance learning. In the presentation I have focused on skypes video chat feature as well as some less common features of skype. Additionally, I have discussed how teaching using skype differs from teaching a face-to-face class.

James Samson

Thomas Nuhse said

at 4:32 pm on May 17, 2015

Hi everyone,
I'm discussing Jing as a tool for learning about protein structure that would work in either a blended or distance class. Having watched the other videos, I realise I haven't actually talked much about how to use the software- but I show for a very specific context how a screencast of "pointing and talking" allows for active and collaborative learning:

thomas nuhse

Zoe said

at 7:12 pm on May 17, 2015


This is a link to my video on the affordances of Facebook - for online -peer support/ sharing links to information and using create page (no personal id) to collate and present materials online - It is aimed at HS /University freshmen classes. I would use in a blended classroom context - using the presentation pages to help students research and share ideas in preparation for their discussion classes - so I would expect their pages to be general and linked to different weekly topics. ie* English at work, Education , Globalisation, Social Issues, Fashion etc.
The example given is a simpler HS topic ie Japanese food.

I have used dropbox only for my link (privacy & shots of UoM group pages) Apologies for quality - the file was too big so the only way to upload was to rerecorded from the screen using screenomatic.

Svetlana said

at 7:50 pm on May 17, 2015

I have discussed Google Docs for teaching writing online in the context of our Literacy and Basic Skills program.
See here: http://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cohXb8f1s4
Svetlana Lupasco

Lee Phillips said

at 11:36 am on May 19, 2015


My tool review is about the use of an ePortfolio that can be used within any online learning context. I've used it to demonstrate how it could potentially be used as a formative assessment tool alongside a process-writing assessment procedure.

Here's the link - https://www.dropbox.com/lightbox/home/Teaching%20and%20Learning%20Online%20Tool%20Evaluation

Lee Phillips

erinconlonbagnall@... said

at 1:22 am on May 20, 2015

Hi all,

This is my review of Vocaroo, a voice recording tool that can be used for ACMC : https://youtu.be/htOdBqeDYb4

Erin Conlon

Allison Li said

at 8:31 am on May 20, 2015

Hi all,
Dear All,

Here is the link to my video which reviews blackboard as a tool for online teaching and learning:
Xiaoxiao Li

danilosoares said

at 10:26 am on May 20, 2015

Hi all,

My name is Danilo Soares. Here is the link to my video about Lang-8 as a tool for teaching and learning online. http://screencast.com/t/1R6WBhrKT


Yin said

at 12:01 pm on May 20, 2015

Here is my review about using eyejot to help students' language speaking. When I record the video, my computer is a little bit slow, so the video is not fluent enough, apologies for that.

Thank you

Gurpreet said

at 4:18 pm on May 20, 2015

Here is a link to my review of a wiki as a tool for teaching and learning online:


Zhu Jin said

at 6:48 pm on May 20, 2015

Hello, All, I'm Zhu Jin (Kim Jin)
here is the link of my review of tool. I chose Adobe Connect as the tool for online Chinese Teaching.
Best wishes,

yi lan said

at 8:52 pm on May 20, 2015

Hello everyone! Here is the link of my video.


Best Regards,


Fu Yi said

at 9:22 pm on May 20, 2015

Hi guys,
here is the link of my video

Fu Yi

mo li said

at 9:42 pm on May 20, 2015

Hello everyone. Here is the link of my video.
I chose wiki as a useful tool of learning and teaching activities online.

Best Regards
Mo Li

Sarah Alotaibi said

at 5:33 am on May 21, 2015

hi everyone I choose a Socrative as a creative tool for class activities


don williams said

at 4:51 pm on May 24, 2015

Hello! Here´s my tool review. I chose to discuss how it could be used for Cambridge speaking exam practice.


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