
Flipped Learning and On-line education (KB, LH, SG) - Page 3

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Tools for iPads, but many of which can be used cross-platform: http://www.ipadeducators.com/#!iassessment/chyq


Various tools can be used at several levels:

Quizlet (http://quizlet.com/ ),

Nearpod (http://www.nearpod.com/)

Socrative (http://www.socrative.com/) – student response system – multiple choice/short answer – cross platform/device)




STAGE 1: Remembering, understanding and analysing

Generic Tool Type

Use in On-line Flipped Classroom

Commercial Examples

Video /accessing disseminating/learning

Dissemination/access of videos – often via hyperlinks: Questions can now often be embedded in the video and depending on the student’s answers, will fastforward to different sections. (e.g. Youtube annotators and timemarkers) Other software, e.g. Google Forms, can be embedded in the same page as the video which students can be asked to complete in response to the video.


Ted Talks


Khan Academy

BBC Bitesize


Course Management System/Platforms

(inc MOOCs)

Possible way to host course, especially for access to teaching materials






Presentation Tools

Disseminating information – links can be provided to other materials, including related activities (e.g. quizzes, assessments etc…)




Screen Capture/screencasting tool

Disseminating information. Ideal for setting up tasks and providing listening tasks





Adobe Captivate

Quizes/Surveys/study games

Creating questionnaires/tests of recall to be used with video/reading tasks

Survey Monkey



Prof Profs Quizmaker


Creating forums for social and on-topic discussions:








Allows student s to complete forms while or after reading a text/ viewing a video etc…

Google Forms

Form fields in MS Word

STAGE 2: Applying, evaluating and creating

Cloud Storage/collaborative writing

Collaborative writing (especially  if combined with a video conferencing tool)

Google Docs



Synchronous activities that synthesise the face-to-face classroom as much as possible

Adobe Connect

Google Hangouts


Big Blue Button (Canvas)

Blackboard Collaborate


Virtual Reality Creating avatars

Collaborative tasks

Second Life


STAGE 3: Consolidating, Reflecting, Extending


Creating forums for reflective postings and suggestions for and sharing of  further learning







Class and mark tracking’/ Predictive analytics

Assessment and feedback: Suggestions to students for revision or further research based on their personalised response to the previous learning.







Allows student s to complete forms while or after reading a text/ viewing a video etc…

Google Forms

Form fields in MS Word




SWOT analysisSWOT analysis

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