Useful links and references


Please add in any links or references you find and tell us about them in Blackboard. Please don't add any copyright materials like pdfs of articles etc.


If you login before you start via the University of Manchester vpn, any articles on the library website will be free to access. This is set of free online courses in the area of IT and digital technology, including introductions to tools like Adobe Connect and one on Moodle administration.


Blended, Online Learning and Distance Education Research Bank (Australia) 


Canvas -- Cloud based VLE


Chuang, H. H. (2008) Perspectives and issues of the creation for weblog-based electronic portfolios in teacher education. British Journal of Educational Technology, 39(1): 170–174.


Cleveland-Innes, M. F. and Garrison, D. R. (2010) An Introduction to Distance Education : Understanding Teaching and Learning in a New Era. Taylor & Francis. Available from:<>


Cloud LMSs -- Kris Roger


Community of Inquiry Model -- Garrison Anderson and Archer (2010), This is a special issue concerning this model with an initial review article bring you up to date. Access via the vpn.


Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age


A follow-up to  Conole (2004) 


Dept for Education in England and Wales (2004) - link to a report entitled 'Moving towards e-learning in schools and colleges'.


Duncan, I, Miller, A. and Jiang, S. (2012) A taxonomy of virtual worlds usage in education. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(6): 949:964.


EDC MOOC -- Week 1 Hangout


Ehlers, U.-D. and Hilera, J.R. (2012) Special Issue on quality in e-learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 28: 1–3.


JISC Design Studio


Lee, M. J. W., Dalgarno, B. & Farley, H. (2012). Editorial 28(3): Preface to the Special issue. In M. J. W. Lee, B. Dalgarno & H. Farley (Eds), Virtual worlds in tertiary education: An Australasian perspective. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 28(Special issue, 3), iii-vii. 


Liou, H.-C. (2012) The roles of Second Life in a college computer-assisted language learning (CALL) course in Taiwan, ROCComputer Assisted Language Learning, Vol. 25(4): 365-382.


Online Educa News Portal Online Educa is a organiser of some of the key conferences for e-learning around the world. Key conferences are the Berlin and Africa events.


Online tutoring e-Book (OTis) 


Open University Learning Design Initiative


PBWorks Training material


Walsh, T. (2010) Unlocking the Gates. Princeton University Press.